Monday, March 8, 2010

The Delicious and Wonderful Adventure of McDonald's. Not!

I guess I'm not embarrassed to say that I don't really enjoy books that don't revolve around the issues of teens, peer pressure, crushes, and just growing up. And I guess I'm not embarrassed to say that when it comes to sci-fi, you can count me out, and mystery, well, I'm not much of a fan of that either. And oh my goodness, I can not tell you how much I hate fantasy stories. Literally, my walks through the fantasy section in Barnes and Noble are, "No, no, no, no, maybe... no! Oh my gosh that sounds horrible... and what could that author have been thinking when they wrote this?!" I do understand though, that many people disagree, and that fantasy stories are incredible. And I do respect that. I promise. Oh, and then I arrive in the warm and cozy section of realistic fiction where I can read endlessly about girls who are teased, and girls who are the teasers. I can read on, and on. I am at home, where every teen fiction book is where it should be. Except for that creepy looking horror book, what on earth is that doing there?!

But there's this book, Chew on This, by Eric Schlosser. And let me tell you something. Chew on This is not a book about a 13 year old girl who doesn't fit in. It's about fast food. And why, for the millionth time, you shouldn't eat it. Reader, I am very, very pleased and proud to tell you, that me, Audrey Bachman, reader of teen realistic fiction, is on the 129th page of Chew on This, and is actually enjoying it! Nothing horrible has happened to me, and I've learned, that there's nothing wrong with a little, or big, non fiction book filled with greasy, disgusting facts about the bugs in your pink soda. Or about the 15 year old that invented the hamburger. Or how about, that in one hamburger patty at McDonald's may contain hundreds, or even thousands of different cattle? The only thing I'm finding slightly disgusting and unbearable is the fact that when Hindu's discovered that McDonald's and other fast food restaurants boiled their french fries in beef oil, they created an angry mob to smear cow poop on a statue of Ronald McDonald. That's right, it was against their religion to have meat, and good ol' McDonald's made everyone who walked into their restaurant break the one most important law of their religion.

So, to wrap things up, not only have I learned that it's okay to try something new, (not including beef flavored french fries) like reading a new genre, but also that McDonald's is indeed, as nasty as I thought. And now, I even have the facts to prove it. Thanks Chew on This!


  1. ewww!! yeah, you are so funny (especially at describing really gross things). have you read "this place has no atmosphere"? i think your bubbe gave it to me when i was about your age and i LOVED it
